
Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Short sighted companies

So many companies are so greedy about short term profits they are ruining the company long term.

1 comment:

  1. These companies tend to forget that the backbone of the company is its employees. I don't care how good upper management or administration is they are useless without good employees to implement and carry out their instructions. As I stated good employees not just any dead weight that can be hired at cheap labor cost and are incapable of carrying out instructions properly. Yet companies are over working and under paying these good employees in the all mighty quest to increase the profit margin thus driving these good employees away because they can no longer make a living at their current job. An increase of 2% each year is no longer sufficient when the cost of living is increasing at a rate of 5%. No sick days unless you are out for more than 2 days does not allow the employee to be sick at all if he/she intends to put food on the table. No excused medical absence unless you are admitted to the hospital puts all employees with medical conditions at risk of losing their job is they get sick and it also tells the employee that the company cares little are nothing about his or her health. These companies that are treating good employees as an asset they can use and abuse not as a human being are driving off their productive work force and are left with inadequate help that drives the company into bankruptcy or shut down.
